Cremeux exotic
58g combawa juice
100g pineapple purée
100g Victoria pineapple purée
13g lemongrass
5g ginger
1/3 Tahiti vanilla
153g infusion
122g eggs
44g sugar
8.4g gelatin mass
52g butter
1. Heat up the purees, juice and herbs for infusion
2. Strain
3. Cook the infusion, eggs and sugar in the thermomixer till 82ºC
4. Add the gelatin mass
5. Cool down till 35ºC before adding the smooth butter
6. Place in the moulds and freeze
Combawa biscuit
120g eggs
180g TPT
20g flour
81g whites
1g dried egg white
21g sugar
21g butter
2g combawa zests
1. Whip the eggs, TPT and flour together
2. Whip the eggwhites, eggwhite powder and sugar
3. Melt the butter with the zest
4. Fold all three mixtures together
5. Bake at 180 ºC +/- 12min
Cremeux Ginger
100g milk
100g cream
7g ginger
180g infusion
36g egg yolks
18g sugar
250g Callebaut Arriba milk chocolate
25g ginger juice
5 ginger drops
1. Heat up the cream and milk with the ginger for infusion
2. Strain
3. Cook the infusion, yolks and sugar in the thermomixer till 82ºC
4. Add the chocolate, gingerjus and ginger drops and mix
Chocolate biscuit
200g eggwhite
80g sugar
320g TPT
40g Callebaut Cocoa powder
1. Whip the eggwhites with the sugar
2. Fold in the Tpt and cacaopowder
3. Bake at 180ºC +/- 12min
4. Spread ginger marmalade on the top
Pineapple marmalade
207g pineapple brunoise
38g pineapple purée
38g Victoria pineapple puree
3.5g pectine NH
22.5g sugar
7.5g combawa juice
1g gelan
1. Cook all ingredients together
2. 130g each cake
75g cassonade
75g butter
50g shaved almonds
15g rice crispy
5g flour
0.3g salt
7.5g Callebaut Cacao powder
25g pineapple crispy
1.5g combawa zest
1. Soften the butter with the sugar
2. Add all the rest of the ingredients
3. Spread 120g out in each ring
4. Bake at 150 ºC for 20 min
5. Sprinkle with Mycryo when it comes out of the oven
Saint Domingue chocolate mousse
73g water
118g sugar
1g mint leaves
2g combawa jus
6g lemongrass
2g combawa zests
118g egg yolks
150g PAB
80g cream
274g whipped cream
178g Cacao Barry Chocolate Saint Domingue (70%)
1. Boil the water with the herbs and strain
2. Cook the infusion, sugar and yolks till 82 ºC
3. Whip till almost cold
4. Melt the chocolate at 45ºC add the hot cream,
5. Fold in the PAB and last the whipped cream
Chocolate glazing
93g water
113g sugar
113g isomalt
90g glucose
75g cream
50g Callebaut Cacao powder
1.5g gold powder
9.5g gelatin powder
47g water
50g Callebaut Chocolate Arriba (39%)
1. Cook the water, sugar and isomalt till 110 ºC
2. Heat up glucose and cream add to the sugar syrup
3. Add the cacao and gold powder
4. Strain on top of the gelatin and chocolate
5. Use at 35 ºC
Pineapple & Honey glazing
50g water
110g sugar
100g Manuka honey
Condensed milk
100g Cacao Barry Chocolate Blanc Satin
31g water
6.2g gelatine powder
0.5g yellow coloring powder
1. Boil the water, sugar and honey till 103 ºC
2. Add the gelatin and condensed milk
3. Add the chocolate and colouring blend
4. Strain, use at 35 ºC