Forest swarm– the elements of the taste
Chocolate and Pistachio Sponge Cake
280g Callebaut dark chocolate 811NV
200g organic butter
65g honeydew honey
250g whole eggs
60g wheat flour
5g baking powder
100g delicately roasted whole pistachios
1. Melt down first three ingredients over bain-marie
2. Take it off the heat, and add whole eggs
3. Add dry ingredients and nuts
4. Bake at 180ºC
Truffle oil stones
10g maltodextrin
10g truffle oil
- Combine all ingredients.
Fruits of the forrest foam
200g raspberries
100g blackberries
100g huckleberries
100g pine syrup
40g proespuma (sosa)
1. Blend the fruits and pass through fine sieve
2. Scale 290g of fruit puree and add syrup and proespuma, blend with hand blender
3. Transfer into siphon and charge with two N20 cartridges
Royal jelly and orange sorbet
600g orange puree
100g smoked honey
4g royal jelly
50g prosorbet (sosa)
1. Blend all ingredients
2. Transfer to beaker
3. Freeze and pacotize
Lemon and ginger mousse
195g whole eggs
90g egg yolk
155g caster sugar
1g lemon zest
120g lemon juice
60g ginger juice
0,5g saffron powder
4g gelatin leaves 180bloom
142g cream 36%
1. Combine eggs, egg yolks and sugar
2. Separately bring to boil lemon zest, lemon juice, ginger juice and saffron
3. Pour over egg mixture and bring to boil again
4. Remove from heat add hydrated gelatine and chill to 35 ºC
5. Combine with semi-whipped cream
Madagascar mousse
278g crème anglaise
226g dark chocolate Madagascar 67%
355g cream 36%
1. Prepare hot infusion with cream and marjoram
2. Emulsify infusion with chocolate
3. When ganache reaches 35-40 ºC add semi-whipped cream
50g violet sugar
1. Proceed accordingly to the candy-floss machine manual
Fresh basil
Fresh basil
1. Prepare fresh basil
Fresh forrest fruits
Fresh forrest fruits
- Prepare fresh forrest fruits