Rasberry Pate de Fruit
250g raspberry purée
50g glucose
25g sugar
225g sugar
7g apple pectin
15g lemon juice
1. Combine the first part of the sugar and pectin in a bowl
2. In a medium saucepan, bring the raspberry purée, pectin mixture and glucose to a boil while stirring
3. Add the second part of the sugar and cook the mixture to 107°C
4. Gently stir the Callebaut into the mixture
5. Pour the pate de fruit into the desired frame and let cool
Peanut Butter “Gianduja”
223g Callebaut milk chocolate 826NV 31,7 %
161g peanut butter
1.3g salt
1. Crystalize the milk chocolate and mix it with the peanut butter and salt
2. Preserve for assembly
Candied Peanuts
138g raw peanuts
100g sugar
40g water
3g salt
1. Mix the sugar water and peanuts
2. Cook and stir over a medium heat for 5-10 minutes until the sugar coats the peanuts and the peanuts are golden in colour
3. Sprinkle salt and spread the peanuts on a silicon mat and let cool
4. Store the peanuts in an airtight container
- Spread the peanut butter “gianduja” over the cool raspberry pate de fruit.
- Let crystalize further overnight.
- Apply a thin layer of un-crystalized milk chocolate on the pate de fruit side.
- Let the chocolate set before cutting the sheet into 25mm x 15mm pieces.
- Dip into the crystalized 480 5NV dark chocolate and garnish with a crystalized peanuts