Secrets of the forest
Avocado Ice Cream
Condensed milk 37 g
Sparkling mineral water 27,7 g
Sugar 18,5 g
Cream 27,7 g
Vanilla 1/10 pod
Pasteurized egg yolk 14,8 g
Avocado 18,5 g
Lime juice + peel 6,3 g
Madagascar - Dark
67% 28,6 g
Crushed salt 0.2 g
Combine the condensed milk, mineral water, vanilla bean, cream and yolks and heat the mixture till the temperature is 72 ˚ C. Pour it over the chopped chocolate. Blend the avocado together with the lime juice and then blend it with the chocolate.
Freeze the cream in a cup. When the ice cream is deep frozen place it on a Pacojet and blend it. Softly scoop it and arrange along the other elements.
Choco Cone
Salted butter 16,5 g
Madagascar - Dark 67% 16,5 g
Sugar 12,5 g
Pasteurized egg yolk 7,5 g
Pasteurized egg 16 g
Flour 4 g
Crushed salt 0,17 g
Choco beer 10,84 g
Spelt flour 6,5 g
Crisp code 0,65 g
Crushed cocoa nibs 33,02 g
Salt 0,33 g
Silver moss 2,64 g
Grapeseed oil for deep frying
Melt butter and add chocolate. When the mixture is molten add sugar, egg, egg yolk, and as the last ingredients salt and flour. Freeze the mix in an egg-shaped rubber pad.
Roll the frozen chocolate into the beer mix, whipped from beer, spelt flour, and crisp code and fold it into moss, nibs, and salt. Deep fry the cone in grapeseed oil for 12-14 seconds.
Sao Thomé - Dark 70% 75 g
Roasted Brazil nuts 24 g
Hazel nut praline 30 g
Cocoa nibs 12 g
Malt crunch 120 g
Melt the chocolate to 35 C and add Brazil nuts, hazel nut praline and cocoa nibs. Cool off the mix, pour in the blender, and give it a rough blend. Add malt crunch.
Pepper Ganache
Whole milk 20 g
Cream 5 g
Glucose 5 g
Chocolate pepper 1.2 g
Arriba – Milk (39%) (Callebaut) 60 g
Vanilla ¼ pod
Salted butter 5,5 g
Freshly ground pepper 0,25 g
a little bit of salt
Let vanilla, milk, cream, glucose and chocolate pepper heat up to boil and add Arriba. Make an emulsion in a mixer and, at 35 °C, add butter and a bit of freshly ground pepper.
Spruce Granité
Sugar 24 g
Water 80 g
Fresh Spruce buds 80 g
Fresh spinach 62,5 g
Bergamotte 10 g
Heat water and sugar until it boils and cool the liquid until 65 °C. Add fresh Spruce buds, fresh spinach and bergamotte and blend everything together. Sift the green mixture and freeze until minus 30-35 °C. Rake up the granité into crystals with a fork.
Ginger cream
whole milk 29,9 g
cream 29,9 g
sugar 3 g
egg yolk 14,4 g
crushed salt 0,12 g
ginger juice 2,4 g
Arriba - Milk 39% 39,5 g
Isinglass 0,7 sheet
Heat whole milk, cream, and sugar until 50 °C and add egg yolk while stirring and heating until 72 °C. Then add isinglass and Arriba. Once the chocolate has melted add the ginger juice. Pour the creme into rubber pad and freeze for 40 minutes. Now it is ready to use.
Chocolate branches
Saint-Domingue 70%
Dust from porcini mushrooms
Spray the chocolate into blended cocoa nibs. Once settled, sprinkle with dust from porcini mushrooms.