Cocoa pods-the fruit from the God, Quetzalcoatl
Crunchy Base
Callebaut Arriba 39% Origin
100 g
Callebaut Paillete Feuilletine 100 g
Callebaut Hazelnut Praline 50% 200 g
Callebaut Mycryo 30 g
Mix all except Paillete feuilletine and crystallize in the microwave and add the Paillete feuilletine. Seal the mould.
Citrus Ganache
Citrus Essence
Honey 150 g
Orange Juice 100 g
1ea Zest of an Orange
Pineapple (Chopped) 60g
Cinnamon Stick 3 g
Star Anise 1ea
Vanilla Bean 1ea
Mambo rum 10g
Citrus Essence (from previous recipe) 105g
Group A
Butter 12 g
Lemon Thyme 2 g
Cream 75 g
Invert Sugar 9 g
Sugar 18 g
Group B
Callebaut Arriba 39% Origin 100 g
Callebaut Madagascar 67% Origin 50 g
Butter 30g
Citrus essence
Boil everything together except for the liqueurs. Reduce to 200g
and pass through a sieve.
Add liqueurs and mix well.
Boil the Group A, infuse for 10mins. Sieve and boil with the Citrus
Pour onto Group B and bar mix it.
Mix the butter.
Cocoa pods mould
Green coloured with gold metalic
Cacao Barry Extra Bitter Guayaquil to Mould